Sch. Belmiro Molande SJ
8 December 1994 – 23 August 2023
The Society of Jesus mourns the loss of scholastic Belmiro Molande SJ.
Belmiro Carlos Francisco Molande, was born on December 8, 1994 in Matewere, Angonia District, Tete Province, Mozambique. He had a twin brother, Rachid, and three other siblings, Cátia, Cremildo de Sousa and Carina Maria. He did his primary education, first in Matewere and then in Ulónguè. He completed his secondary education in Ulónguè, Angónia from 2010 to 2014. In 2015, he entered the Propaedeutic Seminary of the Consolata Missionaries in Maputo. In 2016, already a candidate to the Society of Jesus, he was sent to Saint Ignatius’ College in Chishawasha, Zimbabwe to learn English and prepare for the Noviciate. He entered the Noviciate of the Society of Jesus at Xavier House in Lusaka on 17 June, 2017. After his vows, he was sent to the Democratic Republic of Congo to study philosophy.
He was a confident, responsible young man, a leader, and proud of his Catholicism. He was a dancer in the parish, a member of the Saint Cecilia choir, and co-founder and zealous advisor of the Missionary Childhood and Adolescence group in 2012 at the Parish of Our Lady of Graces in Vila-Ulónguè. The little ones he worked with will always remember his smile and enthusiasm. From 2012 to 2014, he was coordinator of the group of acolytes in the Parish. He also served as Secretary of the commission of acolytes in the whole Angónia region. In 2014, he was head of his class and General Head of the daytime students at Secondary School of Ulónguè. His firm and participative way of leadership kept the groups cohesive and responsible.
He wanted to discern his vocation well and during his novitiate, he had an experience at the Benedictine Monastery in Zambia, as he thought the Lord might be calling him to that kind of life. However, he found his happiness in the Society of Jesus. His discerning character led him to make wise, informed and happy choices. He was a happy young man! In the novitiate he played the guitar, sang, danced and constantly livened up the atmosphere.
He had a great passion for culture. He taught “marrabenta” dance in Canisius, Kimwenza. In addition to the ministerial priesthood, he dreamed of studying Cultural Anthropology. He sought wisdom from African proverbs. He was multilingual. In addition to his mother tongue, Chichewa, he read, spoke, and wrote Portuguese, English, and French fluently. This quality facilitated his integration into the culture of the people among whom he lived. His love of theater and his skills in playing musical instruments such as piano and guitar were sources of joy for many.
He was an available, adventurous and missionary young man. He was nicknamed “social peace”. In fact, Belmiro always transmitted peace and encouraged harmonious coexistence. This is exactly what he says in the short video of his campaign for the position of head of his class at Canisius, Kimwenza, “You, I, all of us, need peace. However, it is not just any peace; it is a social peace.” He was starting his regency at St Ignatius School in Tzangano, Tete, Mozambique, when he met his death in a tragic car accident. He will always be remembered for his convictions, his incessant search for harmony, his joy and his ability to relate to everyone around him.