Jesuit Institute South Africa

Johannesburg, South Africa

The Jesuit Institute is dedicated to encouraging debate on current social and religious issues, from a faith perspective, and to stimulating critical reflection, research and dialogue.

We work with people of various church and faith backgrounds and those with none at all, from the business, political and educational sectors. We are keen to engage with all who have an interest in improving our society.

The Jesuit Institute provides reflection, training and critical analysis of contemporary social and religious issues from a Catholic perspective, rooted in the Ignatian tradition and informed by Catholic Social Teaching. We are motivated by the service of faith and the promotion of justice.

It is a work of the Society of Jesus in South Africa.

The Jesuit Institute South Africa's vision is to promote an inclusive and integrated faith-based vision of personal and social transformation.

Our goal is to seek to expand the horizons of hope.

What makes us unique is that the Jesuit Institute is the only such institution in the Church in Southern Africa. We offer a unique perspective which forms and informs all we do: our Ignatian tradition. We strive to provide a professional service to all whom we work with and for. It is a collaborative work, internally collaborating between Jesuits and lay people, externally collaborating with many diverse partners. These partners are often Catholic but we also have a rich network of partners from other Christian communities and the secular world.

The Jesuit Institute has two main areas of focus: reconciliation and formation. Our choice of work, from now until 2024, will be specifically related to and focus on these two areas.

The following Jesuits are currently missioned to this ministry:

  • Fr Anthony Egan, SJ
  • Fr Russell Pollitt, SJ

This ministry is a work of the following Jesuit Community:

St Ignatius Jesuit Community, Auckland Park

This ministry is located at:

See all Ministries >

Jesuit Institute South Africa
15 Molesey Avenue
Auckland Park
South Africa

+27 (11) 482-4237

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